What are the characteristics that a precious stone must have to define itself as quality? In reality, man has attempted to imitate natural stones since ancient times.
Synthetic material can be abridged in these three types:
Both the use of colored glass and composite materials are not recent discoveries. The first productions date back to Roman times.
Artificial gemstones have physical characteristics different from the imitated natural materials and therefore allow easy recognition. The "braces, triplets represent the composite material."
The last challenge, synthetic products
Imitated stones are the newest product of man and are not a sensible replication. With the synthesis process in the laboratory, it is possible to produce rubies, sapphires, emeralds, loose gemstone, and anything else having the same physical and chemical characteristics as natural ones.
Sometimes these processes are very expensive and limit their production as happens for the synthetic diamond for which it is preferred to use similar synthetic gemstones but not existing in nature such as YAG, GGG, cubic zirconia, and synthetic moissanite.
Some compare these products to vitamins, and there are natural ones (which of course cost more) and non-natural ones produced in the laboratory.
Artificial vitamins and synthetic stone have a similar chemical arrangement as their corresponding natural item. Therefore they cannot be defined as simple "imitations."
Synthetic products are complicated to recognize, but they differ from the natural ones!
There is a difference between the mother nature product that has spent millions of years producing a crystal, and that originated in a few weeks by man.
The first products were more easily recognizable, but nowadays, we must make them think of their perfection or the production of stones too beautiful to be exact!
Inclusions and fractures are not always negative:
Some natural resources are normally incorporated and cracked. Inclusion of a tiny crystal, e.g., in ruby, can point to both its source and its birth. The total absence of enclosure should create us believe above all if we are assessing materials that in the environment are usually included, such as emeralds and rubies.
Attention to detail:
The shape, the type of cut, and the care in the polishing of the artificial gems are other elements that can suggest us to be in front of a synthetic.
Large stones, for example, emerald, are hardly available in brilliant round cuts. The same is true for other stones that are commonly cut with oval or mixed cuts. Often the cutter modifies the classic cut to recover more material from the raw stone and enhance its color, and this causes an asymmetry in the cut.
The price:
Generally, the synthetic stones are sold at very attractive prices, and the stones certainly present themselves very well, but pay attention to the deal! Therefore we have to buy loose gemstones.
No test is worth the word "natural" on a gemological certificate:
The tests that a gemologist must do to distinguish a natural stone from a synthetic one are many because often one is not enough to distinguish them. It is for this reason that a precious gemstones supplier prefers the stone with a microscopic inclusion over the pure one since that small inclusion is considered the clue and irrefutable proof of the naturalness of the stone.
Article Source : https://wholesaleloosegemstoness.blogspot.com/2020/03/how-to-distinguish-natural-stone-from.html
How to recognize a real stone from a fake one? Tricks are often used for jewelry that can deceive those who are not experts.
Beware of fake stones. But also to those who are half-fake. You may not know that there are many ways to simulate precious stones on jewelry, and there are many ways to make a Red Gemstones more interesting than it is. Of course, the greatest danger is when buying a jewel without the usual guarantees and certification of a gemological institute. Or some suspicion may arise for some old family jewel, whose origin is unknown.
Fake stones
Plastic and glass are materials often used to simulate lab made gemstones. Technology today allows you to create something in the laboratory that cannot be distinguished from natural stones, such as rubies, emeralds, or fossil resins such as amber.
Of course, an expert jeweler or a specialized laboratory can identify if they are fake gemstones or imitations. If you have any doubts, ask for specialist advice.
Artificial stones
Cubic zirconia and synthetic moissanite (there is also the natural one, rather rare) are two of the lab grown gems and which have characteristics similar to authentic gems, such as diamonds. Similar, but not the same. Of course, if you want to sell them, they have a little value, but at the time of purchase, only a gemologist can distinguish cubic zirconia, often passed through a zircon, which is instead a natural stone.
Composite stones
One of the trends among jewelers is the proposal of half-true Emerald Gemstone and half composed of other materials or other less expensive stones. The goal is to make the stones used on the surface appear more substantial, adding an imitation, perhaps in the lower part of the stone, hidden by the setting. This system is less frequent for transparent stones, while it is more easily used in opaque ones, such as opals or turquoise.
Sometimes the lab grown gemstones are just a small layer that is glued onto a less valuable mineral. Another system, however, concerns transparent stones. To get an exciting shade, an expedient consists of gluing two or three different stones with a special invisible adhesive to make them look like one and transform it into a "precious" Emerald Gem with a fascinating shade. In addition to relying on a brand that enjoys your trust, it is good to carefully observe, perhaps with a lens, the workmanship of the jewel.
Fantasy stones
Another idea of those who do not want to be transparent with those who buy jewelry is to change the name of the stones. If you read that a ring has a synthetic emerald, for example, know that it is a green sapphire, which is less valuable. Other examples: an "American ruby" is a garnet, which is worth much, much less. And the "Australian jade"? It is simply treated quartz. Reconstituted stones
Some stones are stabilized or rebuilt. Often it happens with turquoise. Stabilization consists in subjecting the stone to pressure to make it more compact and eliminate the chalky consistency. Also, Alexandrite Stone or other soft stones are often reconstituted by mixing the powder with a binding element. In short, they are a kind of pasta, to which colorant is often added to make the color more vivid.
Article Source : http://buygemstonesonline.mystrikingly.com/blog/real-or-false-stones-how-to-recognize-them
The world of precious stones is a vast and fascinating area. But sometimes it is complex to recognize the quality of the gem and especially its value!
Bad-natured people very often use the naivety of the buyers by selling them low-quality Corundum Gemstones at exorbitant prices. Although knowledge of gemology requires years of study in addition to the use of technical instruments, it is no secret to access the knowledge of the basic rules.
Tip 1: pay attention to the color of the gemstone
Its color determines 50 % of the value of a lab emerald. The golden rule is neither too light nor too dark. A beautiful gem must have a balanced and harmonious color.
Harmony of colors
Its color should be the same, perfectly visible throughout the lab created emerald - this does not apply to Opals - No angle of the gemstone should be more shaded or lighter, the color should be uniform.
Ideal color?
Here is a yes and a no. There are remarkable colors such as the famous lab grown white sapphire, Kashmir Sapphire Blue or Ruby Red "Sangre de Paloma" but we must agree that the ideal color should correspond to each type of precious stone.
For example, the Peridot, its "perfect" hue, should be a beautiful lime green, softened by slightly yellow tints, well balanced, clear, and bright. In the case of the created emerald, the green must be very intense with reflections of blue.
A hydrothermal emerald too light will have less value than an emerald with a well-defined color and higher saturation. And staying in the green gems if we take the Diopside, its green is neutral, powerful, and very bright.
Should we then acquire only perfectly colored gemstones?
Logically not! Do not forget that ultimately the perfect color is the color that you like the most. Take the case of White Gemstones. At the moment, the most popular is the Amethysts of Uruguay with intense violet color, well-marked, with dark blue reflections.
Clients have every right in the world to think that way because color perception is subjective, and it has to do with the personal taste of each one!
Tip 2: Pay attention to the weight of the gemstone
It is wrongly believed that the total carat weight of emeralds for sale determines its value, that is, 10 carats of Diamond is 10 carats of Diamonds. Attention.
Value not proportional to weight
The dimension of the emerald stones for sale will then be of great importance when evaluating its price. But, attention, its value will not increase proportionally to its weight.
All weights are not equal
Here we have another factor to consider. Russia offers an incredible quality of Emeralds of a superb color. Russian Emeralds are therefore highly coveted by collectors due to their exalting color. But to buy emerald stone, they are found only in small dimensions!
It is very rare to find Russian Emeralds of more than one carat. For this reason, a 2-carat man made opal will cost more than a 3 carat Brazilian Emerald. Scarcity plays a role in the price of the Precious Stone.
Article Source : http://buyloosegemstones.over-blog.com/2020/04/tips-for-the-best-choice-of-your-jewelry-with-precious-stones.html
Anyone needs to understand the difference between a precious and semi-precious stone, its meaning, and properties. But it is even more important for the merchant since that will depend on the commercialization value of the piece.
Currently, the precious stones are:
This is a traditional classification that differentiates morganite and has been maintained over time. The difference between precious and semi-precious is based on the differences in their main characteristics: the hardness, rarity, and perfection of the gems.
One of those reasons is the scarcity or difficulty to locate them in nature, within this category we only find four gems and they are: white diamond, ruby, emerald, and blue sapphire since they are more difficult to find. There are few mines that currently they are of these pieces.
Durability is also an important property and characteristic of these valuable stones. For them, there is a measurement scale known as the Mohs scale that goes from 1 to 10. It allows measuring the birth stones ability to withstand scratching, abrasion, penetration, or cutting by other material.
The Mohs scale dated from 1812 and was designed to determine on a numerical scale how resistant these minerals called gems are, to the scratching or cutting of cubic zirconia—turns out that the diamond is the only one that occupies the 10th position in the said scale.
In this scale, other materials allow in a laboratory test to determine the scale of each mineral that we know. However, it is true, the scale is over 200 years old and is not a truly infallible method, smoky quartz is taken as a reference to categorize each mineral, along with other tests to be performed.
Another of the characteristics and properties is the beauty and perfection of carnelian gems, and almost all gems have them in their way and to their measure. Still, for the simple fact of being created by nature, they are beautiful, and man can even correct any imperfection they have without affecting the rest of its characteristics.
The weight chart also differentiates between precious and semi-precious stones
Properties and meaning of semi-precious gems
It is important to know what are the characteristics and properties that a zircon must have to consider as a precious, semi-precious, or synthetic stone.
The strength of the blue sapphire is also an important characteristic property. However, this does not mean that it must be resistant to everything. It is measured how much resistance this stone has.
Rarity or difficulty getting
The fact that the kyanite stones are obtained from nature and cannot be "duplicated" by any human-machine with the same characteristics as the original makes the difficulty of obtaining them not only economical but also of general accessibility.
Counterfeits, although it sounds like a topic outside the law, is not in all cases, since due to the same high quality and demanding characteristics of the originals, the market has allowed lab created diamonds to be created with other materials and even with similar details. Imitations of stones such as diamond, emerald, among others to be marketed at lower costs and have the same artistic purpose as the real ones.
Article Source : http://buyloosegemstones.over-blog.com/2020/03/precious-and-semi-precious-stones-which-are-the-difference.html
Precious stones have been coveted by people of high society and also those we know as people from the underworld, in the time of the pirates, we read in the stories how jewelry was the most magnificent booty that pirates stole. Most of them were made up of valuable precious and semi-precious stones.
But they also had a specific meaning having a certain stone or gem. Some considered them good luck, charms. Another on his side attributed magical and even healing qualities.
Meaning and properties
We can briefly list the meaning and characteristics of some cultural attributes to these birthstone colors by month.
Agate: protector of dreams. It helps release negative energy by providing emotional balance.
Amethyst: amethyst stone meaning wisdom. It helps development and protection and brings clarity to thought.
Blue Topaz: Traditional stone of intellectuals. It is said to be related to overcoming fears by fostering courage.
Citrine: citrine stone is excellent for raising self-esteem.
Garnet: Stimulates all the senses. Increases the level of connection between feelings and sexual desire. It is also considered good luck for business.
Pink tourmaline: Attracts good luck in general. It is considered the stone of serenity.
Jasper: Its orange color is associated with relaxation and joy, as well as with themes such as comfort, compassion.
Lapizlazuli: Symbolizes truth and true friendship. Its blue color expresses the vastness of the sea.
Ruby: Symbolizes love and passion. It protects health and bad situations.
Sapphire: It is synonymous with peace and joy. In ancient times pink sapphire helped to predict the future; it helps in communication and reduces all negative effects.
Tiger Eye: It offers a balance of forces, allowing you to transform fear to get out of difficult moments in the best way, improving self-esteem.
Value of precious stones
The determination of the amount of the zirconia goes hand in hand with the characteristics that we have already described above, which are: durability, color or shine, and rarity.
Its weight is regulated in carats, but not more carats mean more money. The rest of the characteristics are just as important for its value to be high.
The moissanite diamond is known as the most expensive gem in the world. A single piece of this gemstone was auctioned for $ 34 million. A truly record figure, weighing 134 carats. But the extraordinarily high purity for the piece made event attendees bid up to this figure.
Where to buy and sell precious stones
It is always important to buy or sell green gemstones to know a little more than what we have been told on the subject. You also need to educate yourself a bit to avoid being scammed with fake or poor quality gems at high prices.
It is necessary to take into account some aspects to achieve a successful purchase.
It is important to locate people with a recognized track record both to buy and to sell druzy quartz. In the case of wanting to acquire a piece, the certificate of origin and validity must be required.
Identify the characteristics of the piece, color, durability, and rarity. That will estimate the acquisition cost, among other aspects.
Don't be dazzled by the weight and size of the gem. Not necessarily, its weight is the calculation of the purchase value.
Article Source : http://buyloosegemstones.over-blog.com/2020/03/meaning-rituals-and-curiosities-of-gems.html
There are many ways to classify precious and semi-precious stones; one of them is to do it by its origin:
Color sorting
One of the biggest attractions that a blue topaz as its color, the visual effect they cause is inevitable, and many of these people identify themselves in such a way that they adopt certain stones as talismans only because of their color.
Traditionally, there are some very well-known stones exclusively for their color, such as sapphire (blue), emerald (green), garnet stone (red), among others. Still, in another category of colors, we can find sapphire or garnet itself since be a source stone black mineral, its color can vary but retain the rest of the characteristics of the base stone.
Red: They are not as common as we think, despite being a primary color, the stones that we can place in this category is ruby, whose name.
In Latin, ruber means red, garnet, and spinel, to name three of the most common. But it is important to note that there are other shades such as a red-orange. It may well be located in this classification or in the one we indicate as orange. corundum red color comes mainly from the iron content in the stone.
Blue: When we think of blue gemstones, a quite high percentage of people will quote us the sapphire, since it is the best known blue stone, but there are more than 35 gems within this blue color range, including black onyx, the same star sapphire, among other.
Greens: the most traditional and most famous chrysoprase of all is the emerald, whose name comes from the Persian language and means greenstone. But believe it, or not there are more than 50 types of gems within the green color range, including turquoise stone and a type of green sapphire.
Yellow and/or gold: Within this category, we can find a type of yellow sapphire, but the most common is citrine. We also find topaz, agate and amber, and a little more than 15 lesser-known gems.
Violet and/or Purple: Amethyst is the representation of the violet color in the list of precious stones, accompanied by about 12 more types of them, including a variant of diamond and sapphire in this hue.
Orange: This color is less frequent in gemstones; in fact, its list is somewhat shorter than the rest; however, some such as thickened garnet are still counted.
White: Diamond is king in this category, as are quartz and zirconia, considered colorless gems or aquamarine color gems.
Gray/Silver: Undoubtedly, this color range is the least frequent in a precious stone. However, there are two or three that are well known as aquamarine stone, such as pearl, mother-of-pearl, and moonstone.
Article Source :
Opals stones are astonishing. Are you acquainted with the artificial opal? This is likewise recognized as Gilson opal, created opal, laboratory opal, etc.
Manufacture procedure
Most often, lab-created opal is produced in a spectacular method under rigorous lab conditions. This is not a surprise, specifically since top-quality gems become part of our contemporary culture needs. Despite the existing economic crisis, individuals continue to transform their heads towards opals. Each advancement treatment is superb.
Some produced stones include recognized and all-natural components. In this feeling, the synthetic opal is likewise part of this creation. It ends up being incredibly durable due to its solidity much more than all-natural opal.
There are lots of treatments to develop precious jewelry with synthetic opal. Prior to, treatments made use of to take a lot of time. Nowadays, every little thing is simpler as well as decreased to a couple of research laboratory months.
Artificial vs. natural
A natural opal has a tendency to consist of a standard normal pattern. Really, it would certainly be amazing if you can come across an incredibly bright one as when it comes to Synthetic opal. On the contrary, when it comes to natural opals, they cannot have the exact same specific pattern.
Exceptional alternative
In other words, an artificial opal is most definitely an amazing choice. This is an excellent option for natural opal because of its immeasurable advantages. Apart from showing fantastic colors and contrasts, its illumination is impeccable. As previously mentioned, it is additionally long-lasting as well as resistant. You will simply enjoy each artificial item. Take a look at photos as well as confirm it by yourself. This lively gem will make you attract attention.
Ethiopian Opal
Ethiopian opal was found in Ethiopia in 2008 and 2013. These stones are quite amazing and attractive and cost less than other opal gemstones.
Ethiopian Opal Properties
The Ethiopian opal has various healing properties. Some of them are listed below:
In its' natural type, Opal is composed of carefully packed aggregate balls of silica as silica oxide, and water in varying quantities up to 15%. Referred to as "glass gemstones" are those which do not have the tinted shimmer of the "valuable opals", though both are made use of in fashion jewelry.
Mosaic Opal: is created from leftover chips of Opal, meshed to develop a new "stone". Considering that the only participation of males is the putting together of the "puzzle items" of real opal, hardly certifying as Lab Developed.
Synthetic Opal: is produced in a Laboratory, yet its' residential properties, chemical, physical as well as optical, correspond that of a naturally happening Opal.
Simulated Opal: is also created in a laboratory, as well as is optically identical to natural Opal, yet does not have the same physical and chemical qualities.
We at Gems N Gems deal with all kinds of opal gemstones along with gray moonstone at a very reasonable and affordable cost. To know more about the different opals, contact us directly through our official website gemsngems.com.
Article Source : http://buygemstonesonline.mystrikingly.com/blog/know-everything-about-lab-created-opals